France Makes Me Nervous

So I’m sequestered away in my room on my day off, with what I think is the flu, finally able to sit up and do some fun googling research.

And I’m beginning to realize that what is really going to put my travel planning skills to the test this summer is France.  Silly France.

There are several problems with walking through France.  First of all, I don’t speak French.  So I’ve decided to learn French.  Hah, we’ll see.

Secondly, the route of the French Way that I’ve decided to take has only a random mix of incomplete information strewn across the internet.  There are a few sites that look promising.  They are in French.

Third, I’ve gotten the impression that camping will be difficult, if not impossible and/or illegal.  I’ll have to rely on Couchsurfing, which I love, but takes much more research and advance planning.

So, France, you make me nervous.  French people intimidate me.  France intimidates me.  All I ask is that you be kind, offer directions when I ask in my soon-to-be beginner’s French, and not be too expensive.

Other than that, I’m pretty sure it’ll be beautiful, the people will be friendly, and as long as I keep walking south I’ll get to Spain eventually.  Right?

Any helpful hints from you francophiles will be well-received!



A Scottish Highlands Preview

This Christmas vacation I spent some time in northern Scotland, searching for Nessie and wishing for snow (I got none).  In fact, I was in the same area from which I will be starting my walk in June.  I’m happy to say that the views impressed, the people were friendly, and a long bus ride from London to Inverness made my stomach flip in anticipation as we followed curving two lane roads through mountains and over rivers, speckled with flocks of sheep, and peaks dusted with snow.  I did no hiking this trip, but oh trust me, I have no doubts about what I’m soon to do in only 4 months time (can it be so SOON?!)


What’s even better is that I’ve just about convinced a friend to join me for this first part of the trek, which will make stepping out into unknown and foreign territory a little easier!