On a Sad Note

As you may have seen on the news, yesterday there was a devastating train crash in Santiago de Compostela, in the corner of Galicia, Spain where I have been living for the past 8 months, and towards which I am walking. I cannot stop thinking about it.  The only way I can really summarize my feelings is that I am very, very sad.

I can’t help think and replay all those times that I’ve been on a train through Santiago, and all I can see in my mind are the faces of those people who were on the train with me.  They are students and couples.  They are kids, and religious pilgrims, heading to Santiago on the eve of celebrations for St. James.  The train is full.  Some people are standing.  I can see myself there, with them, taking for granted that this is just another ordinary train journey.  The green Galician fields zip past.  It  have easily been me.  Or Gloria.  Or Marcos.  Or Eva, or Alex.  Or Natalia.  Or the children I teach.

I am so sad for Galicia today.  I’m not Gallega, but I do love some Gallegos.  My friends, I love you, and I’m so, so sorry for this tragedy.  Bicos.

2 thoughts on “On a Sad Note

  1. These are one of the most beautiful words i have ever heard. It makes my skin craw, you are a beatiful hearted person, we love you too.

  2. You are truly a wonderful person to write this.

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